European Numerical Mathematics and
Advanced Applications Conference 2019
30th sep - 4th okt 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
08:30   MS23: Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows (Part 2)
Chair: Christoph Lehrenfeld
25 mins
Recent advances for exactly incompressible elements
Ridgway Scott
Abstract: Finite element approximations satisfying exact incompressibility conditions are now recognized as essential for certain flow simulations. We discuss several enhancements for algorithms based on what is known as the Scott-Vogelius method. One is known as the unified Stokes algorithm (USA) and projects the discontinuous pressure arising in Scott-Vogelius onto a continuous pressure space. Another enhancement relates to multi-grid solvers. It involves new smoothers that preserve the incompressibility condition and insure optimal convergence. A third relates to new results concerning the validity of the inf-sup condition for lower-degree approximations.
25 mins
A space-time HDG method for incompressible flows
Tamas Horvath, Keegan Kirk, Sander Rhebergen
Abstract: In this talk we present a space-time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations on time-dependent domains [1]. For this we discretize the space-time formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations on a (d+1)-dimensional space-time domain. The space-time domain is partitioned into (d+1)-simplices on which the HDG function spaces are defined. These function spaces therefore take into account the domain deformation. We can then apply a divergence-free (d+1)-dimensional HDG method to the space-time formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. The result is a discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in which the velocity approximation is divergence-free and H(div)-conforming, even on time-dependent (deforming) domains.
25 mins
Finite element discretizations with exactly tangential vector fields for incompressible flows on surfaces
Christoph Lehrenfeld, Philip L. Lederer, Joachim Schöberl
Abstract: We consider a surface Navier-Stokes model for a Newtonian surface fluid on a two-dimensional surface embedded in three dimensions. For the discretization of the velocity field we use an H(div)-conforming finite element space. This is achieved by mapping finite element functions from the two-dimensional reference element by a straight-forward generalization of the well-known Piola transformation.